I don't know where I even saw grilled pineapple. I'd never tried it before, but I'll definitely make it again! I don't know about everyone else, but I love pineapple. When it comes to fruit platters, forget the melon, especially the unripe honeydew, I go straight for the pineapple. It is always so nice and juicy and just the right amount of sweet, unlike canned pineapple which is way to sweet for me. So we were in the hamlet of Amenia today, stopped at Label Shopper, the famous Drugworld and Freshtown (no, we did not get a chance to go into Tractor Supply where they have clothes "for the womens"). Freshtown had pineapples for sale $2.99 each. Nice deal. Even better than the GU Market in Millertown: Town of the Future which has them on sale this week for 3.99. So when Mom and I went into Freshtown for Niagra Heavy Startch, I picked up some pineapple. What made the deal even sweeter was that the cashier charged me $2.00 instead of 2.99. I don't know if it was computer error or if the produce department made the sale sign wrong, but what's done is done.
So, we had planned for steak tonight and I thought it would be best to let me grill the pineapple first before the raw meat went on the grill. I didn't really want my pineapple to taste of beef. So we just fired up the grill and put the pineapple on.
You'll need a nice ripe pineapple. Smell the bottom of the pineapple at the store. If it smells sweet and the rind is turning yellow, you're in good shape. Then, twist the leaves at the top off. I cut right down the middle of the pineapple then cut each half in half. You could cut the pineapple in long pieces or smaller ones, but not too small since you don't want them to fall between the grill grates. Cut out the core and trim off all the rind. I didn't get to crazy and get all of the leftover spiny parts off. I found the more I cut and trimmed the more slippery it became.
Then, mix 3 tablespoons honey, 1-2 tablespoons lemon or lime juice (I did some of each) and 1/2 teaspoon of ground black pepper together. After I mixed it all up I just dumped it into the bowl that I had put the prepared pineapple into and tossed it around to get everything coated. Throw it on the grill and grill each side about 4 minutes or until they get nice grill marks on each side. Since I made the dessert before dinner, I wanted to keep them warm, so I just put them in the oven on what our oven calls Warm and Hold, which is just really low heat. When I took them out after dinner they were still warm and juicy and oh so very tastey.
I have done this before (Kim may remember having this in Staten Island on the grill, during a terrible rainstorm) with a glaze made of rum and brown sugar. I'm glad to see you gave it a whirl, Em :)