make sure to visit Riverview Pizza. There isn't really a view of the river (though you can walk out the door and be there in a moment), but there is pizza. And it is excellent. This claim is all the more remarkable because I rarely find a pizza I love. Usually there's too much sauce, or it's too spicy, or the crust is tough, or it's too greasy. But this...oh, this was heaven.
Can't you just tell by Leah's smile this is going to be good pizza? If only they still had the bowling arcade game with the awesome music in the corner...
All Riverview serves is pizza and drinks. No grinders. No salads. All the pizzas are the same size. They didn't have iced tea, so I had a Shirley Temple instead, and Leah had a ginger ale.
The ambiance is everything. Wood paneling, red vinyl booths, lots of awesome old beer signs like this and high quality paintings like the one above Leah's head.
I had a really marvelous chicken and mushroom pizza.
Leah had half extra cheese, half peppers and black olives.
Oh, and then we stuffed ourselves. We'd spent the day exploring in the sun, so a second round of ginger ales was required. The pizza was so well-balanced, and with a lovely sweet sauce...Ipswich may have a bunch of awesome restaurants, but next time I'm there, I don't know how I'll bring myself to go anywhere else!
For the record - the pizza is also spectacular when eaten cold in the middle of the night.